Introduction: This article explored the past year events and activities pertaining to Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in India. Though perceived to be defeated and informidable, ISIS is still not defunct. It is making consistent efforts for its resurgence and to establish strong footholds in the Indian subcontinent. After Baghdadi’s death the objective of ISIS
recruiters and handlers is to radicalize as many Indian youths as possible to recruit them for re-establishing Caliphate’s regime.
Aim: This article aims to analyze the events related to ISIS that took place in India. The objective of this article is to highlight the growing problem of radicalization of Indian youth and role played by the technologyMethodology: For this purpose, the author collected news articles from December 2018 to December 2019 from the leading newspapers in India. The news items were searched on the Google search engine using certain keywords and on the respective websites of these newspapers. These articles were then arranged chronologically. Based on the content analysis of these articles three major and two additional themes were identified.
Conclusion: The author concluded that ISIS activities are spurring in India and Indian youth are at risk. Technology is exploited by the recruiters and handlers for radicalization and communication. Several recommendations were put forward that can be implemented by the Indian government to prevent and counter radicalization of Indian youths.Keywords: Radicalization, ISIS, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, ISIS in India, Counter-terrorism, Indian youth.
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