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RJ4All Publications is proud to offer an open access library with e-books, article journals, conference papers, training courses and other material within our areas of expertise. Not all resources on this page are RJ4All Publications, but all copyrights have been honoured. Open access to some papers, book reviews and editorials of the RJ4All Publications peer reviewed Internet Journal of Restorative Justice can also be accessed from this page.
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Gavrielides, T., N. Ntziadima and I. Gouseti. (2015). Evaluating Social Action for Rehabilitation, London: RJ4All Publications. ISBN: 978-1-907641-32-9.
Gavrielides, T., et al. (2016). Time to Move on: A comparative study into gender, migration and counselling in Europe, IARS Publications: London.
Gavrielides, T. (2015). “The Truth about Restorative Justice in Prisons”, Special Edition – Prison Service Journal, Gloucestershire: HM Prison Service, pp. 41-48. ISSN 0300-3558.
Gavrielides, T. (2011). Drawing together research, policy and practice for restorative justice, London: IARS Publications.
Gavrielides, T. (2010) “Restoring relationships: hate crime and restorative justice” in European best practices of restorative justice in the criminal procedures: Budapest conference 2009, European Union: Hungary.
Netto, G. and T. Gavrielides (2010) "Linking Black and minority ethnic organisations with mainstream homeless service providers", 15 Briefing Paper, London: Race Equality Foundation.
Gavrielides, T. (2017). “European democracy in crisis: Building a bridge between participatory and cross-sectoral youth-led policy” in Nico, M. et al. (Eds). Needless in Haystacks: Finding a way for cross sectoral youth policy. YEC-CoE Youth Partnership. Strasbourg: Council of Europe and European Union.
Gavrielides, T. (2018). Youth radicalisation, restorative justice and the Good Lives Model: Comparative Findings from seven countries, London: IARS Publications, ISBN: 978-1-907641-48-0.
Gavrielides, T. and Chase-McCarthy, A. (2019). European Academy of Youth Work: Academy Report, Slovenia: EAYW
Gavrielides, T. and Chase-McCarthy, A. (2019). European Academy of Youth Work: Background Paper, Slovenia: EAYW
Gavrielides, T (2013). “Where is restorative justice heading?”. Probation Junior Vol 5:1, 79-9
Gavrielides, T. and Worth, P (2014). “Another push for restorative justice: Positive psychology & offender rehabilitation” in Crime: International Perspectives, Socioeconomic Factors and Psychological Implications, New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Gavrielides, T. (2017). "Editorial". Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, 5 Year Celebration Special Issue , ISSN (online): 2056-2985.
Lyon, B (2017). “Review of Gavrielides, T. (2015), The Psychology of Restorative Justice. Furnham: Ashgate Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4724-5530-7”, Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, 5 Year Celebration Special Issue, ISSN (online): 2056-2985.
Pitsela, A., and Chatzispyrou, Th. (2013). "Domestic Violence and Mediation in Greece: Findings from the implementation of the restorative procedure", Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, September 2013, pp.1-38, ISSN (online): 2056-2985.
Gavrielides, T. (2016). Review of Walters, M.A. (2014). Hate crime and Restorative Justice. Oxford University Press, ISBN: 978019968449-6, pages 314, RRP £68.00 GBP, Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, ISSN (online): 2056-2985.
Bailie III, J.W. (2013).Review of: “Gavrielides, T. (2012). Waves of Healing: Using Restorative Justice with Street Group Violence. London: IARS Publications, ISBN 978-1-907641-10-7, £9.99 (paperback).”, Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, 5 Year Celebration Special Issue, ISSN (online): 2056-2985.
Gavrielides, T. (2018). “Street group violence and restorative justice”, Unitedworld Law Journal, Vol 2, Issue: I, ISSN: 2457-0427.
Gavrielides, T, Nemutlu, G and A.M. Șerban, (2018). Human Rights Education and Youth Work, Estonia: Youth for Human Rights.
Braithwaite, J (2015) Foreword, Reconstructing Restorative Justice Philosophy.
Gavrielides, T. et al (2015). Restorative Justice and Domestic Violence: A Practitioners' Guide. London: IARS Publications.
Gavrielides, T. (2015). “The Truth about Restorative Justice in Prisons”, Special Edition – Prison Service Journal, Gloucestershire: HM Prison Service.
Gavrielides, T. (2014). "Equality Matters in Probation", Issue 1 Probation Quarterly. London: Probation Institute.
A youth-led approach to radicalisation and insecurity: An alternative vision for social cohesion, MARGIN project, Budapest, April 2017
Gavrielides, T. 9-10 May 2017, The terrorist within & restorative justice, Conflict in Europe: Meeting the challenge IIRP Conference, Dublin, Ireland
Gavrielides, T. (2016). “The terrorist within: from a restorative lens”, Special Issue Justice Report – Guest Editor Winterdyk, J., Canadian Criminal Justice Association.
Gavrielides, T (2016) Race, Power and Young Carers in Europe: New evidence and directions, 2nd International Young Carers Conference, Malmo, Sweden.
Book review of Gavrielides, T. (2012). Waves of Healing: Using Restorative with Street Group Violence, London: IARS Publications.
Gavrielides, T, Conference paper "Clergy Child Sexual Abuse & the Restorative Justice Dialogue, "Sexual Abuse in the Church and other institutional settings", International Institute for the Sociology of La, Onati, Spain on 10-11 April 2014.
Gavrielides, T. and Worth, P (2014). “Another push for restorative justice: Positive psychology & offender rehabilitation” in Crime: International Perspectives, Socioeconomic Factors and Psychological Implications", New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Gavrielides, T. (2018). "Restorative Justice & Radicalisation: From theory to practice". 2nd Biennial International conference on Restorative Justice, Tehran, Iran (4-5 May 2018)
Gavrielides, T. and Santiago, I. (2018). Human Rights and Violent Extremism, 18th ASEM Informal Human Rights Seminar, Indonesia: ASEF.
Gavrielides. T (2018) "Pull and Push factors of violent extremism", Workshop 18th ASEM informal Human Rights Seminar, Indonesia: ASEF.