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This ebook is produced as part of the Erasmus+ funded project “Restoring Respect through Music Education” (RRME). It builds on the concept of restorative justice music, and it presents evidences of how it can be used for community cohesion in school settings. The data on which the book is based was collected over 2 years through the RRME project which the project aimed to create a training package to support teachers and other educators in their efforts to enhance the resilience of their pupils when it comes to diversity and community cohesion matters.


The ebook consists of six summary chapters from RRME partners. The first chapter is a comparative summary of the findings. The second up until the sixth chapter is the summary of the report and analyses of the RRME’S entire projects written by the individual partners. Within each chapter, you will find, The current state of the art in the country, Implementing RRME in the country, Case studies and best practices in the country, Critical evaluations and policy recommendations for national policymakers and EU Policymakers are also included. A longer version of this ebook is available in national languages.


“The music programme in my school was cancelled although music brought my learners together. Adding to our activities, restorative justice music helped to close the exclusion gap. I cannot wait to share this with my colleagues.” Teacher RRME participant.


Co-funded by Erasmus+ Grant Agreement N: 2020-1-UK01-KA201-078840 and coordinated by Dr. Theo Gavrielides

Restorative Justice Music: A Tool for School Cohesion

  • To cite: Gavrielides. T. (2022).  Restorative Justice Music: A tool for School Cohesion: Summary Findings from the UK, Turkey, Cyprus, Germany, Romania and Spain. RJ4All Publications, ISBN 978-1-911634-66-9.

    DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35726.84803

    Authors: The RRME Partnership

    Editor: Dr. Theo Gavrielides

    Restorative Justice Series no 41


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