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“In this fascinating book, Daniel Briggs uses his ethnographic skills covertly in a project that he stumbled onto inadvertently. He works, undertaking several roles, in a luxury brothel in Madrid. In the pages that follow, he shines a light on the management, the women and the clients who inhabit this hidden milieu and situates their lives in the broader context of a neoliberal consumer culture that convinces us of our right to enjoy, regardless of the harm it may cause others.”
-Anthony Lloyd, Teesside University

“In this excellent new book, Daniel Briggs successfully penetrates the barriers and takes the reader inside a contemporary brothel to provide new insights into how prostitution works in a luxury context and exposes the day-to-day life of female sex workers. It does not shy away from the realities of prostitution but meticulously documents the lived experiences of female sex workers through a detailed ethnographic study of a luxury brothel in Madrid.” —————–Sam Barnes, Arden University

“This honest and timely account of a new form of slavery presents the reader with a much needed shocking experience. RJ4All Publications is honoured to be hosting this book as part of its RJSeries joining the debate on power. Through ethnographic observation and evidence-based arguments, Briggs takes a bold step in helping us realise the growing phenomenon of sex slavery and the impact of privilege on social justice. This book is highly recommended to anyone with research interests as well as personal questions around gender inequality, power abuse and individual empowerment”.
-Prof. Dr. Theo Gavrielides, RJ4All Publications Editor in Chief


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    To cite this book: Briggs, D. (2022) Hotel Puta: A hardcore ethnography of a luxury brothel, London: RJ4All Publications. ISBN 978-1-911634-64-5

    Author: Dr. Daniel Briggs

    Editor: Dr. Theo Gavrielides

    Restorative Justice Series no 39

    DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25950.51522

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