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This book has a title that was first thought of some 36 years ago and presented at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA at a conference with a focus on engaging students who exhibited poor behaviour. The author had become fascinated with the question, “How do you get people who are on a negative path in life to change to a positive path, and how do you prevent the negativity in the first place?” Wachtel has worked to develop restorative practices with professionals from over 55 countries world wide with licencees in 16 of those global venues. The book is divided into 8 chapters followed by a post script and an appendix of resources that are provided by the International Institute for Restorative Practices.

Book Review of: Wachtel, T. (2013). Dreaming of a New Reality. IIRP, USA

  • To cite this book review: Kearns, M.,  (2014). “Review of Wachtel, Ted. (2013). Dreaming of a New Reality. IIRP, USA: The Pipers Press, ISBN: 13: 978–193435525–1 (paperback), 180 pages.”, Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, 5 Year Celebration Special Issue, ISSN (online): 2056-2985.


    Corresponding Authors:

    Michael Kearns, BA (Hons) Ed, Restorative Practitioner,Associate tutor, Canterbury Christ Church University (UK)


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