International Symposia on Restorative Justice
The "International Symposia on Restorative Justice" were established to challenge current models of research and thought, influence European and international social policy and bring together scholars and practitioners to network and share best practice.
Modelled after the ancient Greek method of symposia debate, and founded upon the universal values of friendship, mutual respect, freedom of thought and equality, the Skopelos Symposia have now been established as a unique international event that challenges its participants' mind, body and soul. They are held in the Greek island of Skopelos every two years and last for approximately one week. The Symposia Secretariat makes arrangements for accommodation, meals and social activities which are all shared by the participants, their friends and family. The Symposia allow each delegate to have a debate in whatever format they prefer. Meetings take place on beaches, monasteries, ancient grounds and on the top of mountains. The final outputs of the Symposia include books and article publications, series of webinars using the delegates’ presentations and blogs.

‘The 1st International Symposium was held 2-7 June 2012. It focused on restorative justice and human rights and was supported by IARS' Restorative Justice Research Network , Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences and the Hellenic Social Mediation Centre . To find out more including the symposium programme, our sponsors, delegates' biographies and paper abstracts, please click here. To read what others said about the Symposium click here. The Symposium led to the Ashgate publication of "Reconstructing Restorative Justice Philosophy".
No one will be able to read this book without wishing they were there for the journey that gave it birth. Rich outcomes are enabled by richness of process. This book succeeds in drawing us into the journey of its travelers and is a grand exercise in critical retrieval, revival, renewal of those teachings, ancient and recent. There is a great, enduring core of restorative justice teachings that has an increasingly global quality about it. This fine collection helps us renew and reconstruct the core of restorative justice teachings at their holistic philosophical foundations while also helping us to look at them with wider historical and cultural lenses".
Professor John Braithwaite, Australian National University, Australia
The 2nd International Symposium on Restorative Justice was held 22-27 June 2014. The topics revolved around race equality and power. 25 academics and practitioners from around the word came together for the symposium. To see photos from the Symposium please follow this link.
The 3rd International Symposium on Restorative Justice "Disciplining and Taking Restorative Justice Forward: From Research & Theory to International Policy & Practice" was held 17-24 June 2016, in Skopelos, Greece. Leading scholars and international experts from a range of disciplines came together to debate the issue of moving restorative justice beyond theory and research to international policy and practice within the framework of the global economic crisis, by addressing justice issues as these are impacted by the world’s financial, moral and social crises.
To express an interest in the next Symposium (2019), please email us.