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The Special Issue


The aim of the issue is to present the structure of values prevailing among today’s youth and assess the degree of its stability under the influence of emerging challenges. These aims are achieved due to the phased unfolding of the researched issue from various perspectives and vision angles in the papers of contributors. Such a multidimensional approach allows a deeper understanding of both the phenomenon itself and the circumstances that influence it and the youth in general.


The originality of the Special Issue – What new contribution does the Special Issue make?


  • Reflecting value orientations in the framework of 4 aspects – material and economic youth values; youth values in education; youth values in the professional sphere; social, spiritual and moral youth values;
  • Consideration of the researched issues in a broad interdisciplinary focus of social sciences and humanities;
  • Reflecting value orientations in the framework of 4 aspects – material and economic youth values; youth values in education; youth values in the professional sphere; social, spiritual and moral youth values; and
  • Consideration of the researched issues in a broad interdisciplinary focus of social sciences and humanities.

Special Issue (Vol 2): Value Orientations Of Modern Youth In Challenging

  • Guest Editor: Oksana Chigisheva

    To cite this article: Chigisheva, O.(2022). “Special Issue”, Value Orientations Of Modern Youth In Challenging Times, Youth Voice Journal, pp. 4-6. ISBN (ONLINE): 978-1-911634-43-0

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