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This e-book reports on the first findings from the Restoring Respect Project (RRP). Founded upon the values of restorative justice, such as power-sharing and involvement in the decision-making, the RRP project gives voice to migrants by creating, piloting and disseminating an interactive platform and a mobile phone application tailored to the needs and realities of migrant and refugee communities across Europe.


This e-book forms part of the project’s results and it is the first step in developing its evidence based tools. The e-book is the result of the partners’ collective effort as they conducted primary and secondary research with the aim to depict the situation that migrants and refugees face as regards the recognition of their skills and competences as well as their training needs regarding the integration into the European labour market.


The e-book also looks at the legislative framework; relevant legislation, policies and practices, that influences the migrants’ integration in the labour system; the focus on policies and practices identifies main policy issues regarding equality of treatment and integration of migrant and refugee workers. This information will help to build a base for the project’s VET tools, in relation to the current and local needs of project’s target groups.

Restoring Respect in Migrants: National findings

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