Special Issue: Restorative Justice and
Complex Crimes
ISBN: 978-1-911634-05-8
The Internet Journal of Restorative Justice
ISSN (online): 2056-2985 | IJRJ.rj4all@gmail.com
The editor of The Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, Professor Theo Gavrielides, is pleased to announce the publication of a Special Issue in 2018 of the Internet Journal of Restorative Justice on "Restorative Justice and Complex Cases".
Restorative Justice and Complex Crimes
Despite lack of formal national and international strategies for the use of restorative justice in many jurisdictions worldwide, we have witnessed a global push for further integration of restorative practices with complex crimes. For example, remarkably, the Province of Nova Scotia in Canada has developed a restorative justice programme for adults and young offenders and advocated for the use of the process in the context of serious crimes when appropriate. In Australia, the ACT’s restorative justice programme has been extended to provide support for victims of family violence and sexual assault.
The readiness and suitability of restorative justice in cases of complex and serious crimes remain largely unexplored and in-depth research is required. The identification and involvement of stakeholders is imperative. Particularly, research on the identification and involvement of stakeholders; the entitlement of stakeholders of complex and serious offences; the stage of the criminal justice system at which restorative justice processes and how sentences are distributed; the conditions at which restorative justice would be advantageous to all parties; and clarity on the consistent application of theoretical frameworks of restorative justice, among other issues, are key for further integration of restorative justice for complex and serious crimes.
The Internet Journal of Restorative Justice
The Internet Journal of Restorative Justice (IJRJ) is a double-blind, peer reviewed journal with a unique and practical approach to researching and investigating restorative justice. In 2017, the IJRJ published a 5 Year Celebration Special Issue. The primary aims of the journal are to publish scholarly and peer-reviewed articles of the highest standard from various areas of expertise including but not limited to restorative practices in schools, neighbourhoods, organisations and businesses, family matters and (youth) care, the criminal and juvenile justice systems, prisons, and the community. The IJRJ is published by RJ4All Publications, a non-profit publishing house specialising in social sciences and the publication of cutting edge research impacting on young people, human rights, restorative justice and crime.
The IJRJ is available online via its website and Kindle Store and is indexed and abstracted by ORCID and Kudos, The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS) as well as Criminal Justice Abstracts. The Journal is also in the process of being indexed and ranked by Scopus.
All accepted articles are first published online (ISSN: 2056-2985). The IJRJ is supported by its Editorial Board and is the leading reference source for academia, policy makers and the restorative justice movement internationally.
Gavrielides, T. (2018). "Editorial: Restorative Justice and Complex Cases - Dispelling Myths", Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, Special Issue Restorative Justice & Complex Cases, ISBN: 978-1-911634-05-8.
Research Papers:
Acorn, A. (2018). “Healing the Will to Annihilate: Can Restorative Justice Restore After Hate-Crime”, Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, Special Issue Restorative Justice & Complex Cases, ISBN: 978-1-911634-05-8.
Barefoot, A. (2018). “Finding Justice for Black Women: Towards a Black Feminist Praxis of Addressing Gender-Based Violence Using Restorative Justice”, Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, Special Issue Restorative Justice & Complex Cases, ISBN: 978-1-911634-05-8.
Bromwich, R. (2018). “Restorative Justice Processes and Complex Cases Involving Corporate Liability for Environmental Harms in Canada: Pitfalls, Problems, Promise and Potential”, Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, Special Issue Restorative Justice & Complex Cases, ISBN: 978-1-911634-05-8.
Devi-McGleish, Y. and Cox, D. (2018). “The use of restorative justice in large-scale financial fraud offences”, Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, Special Issue Restorative Justice & Complex Cases, ISBN: 978-1-911634-05-8.
Kalemi, G, Gkioka, Tsapatsari, Tzeferakos, G., Kandri, D, Psarra, M, Konstantopoulou, F, and Douzenis, A. (2018). ‘‘Victimizers or Victims?’’: A case of 27 HIV-positive sex workers victimized by the media in Greece of 2012?, Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, Special Issue Restorative Justice & Complex Cases, ISBN: 978-1-911634-05-8.
Radhi, R. (2018). “Restorative Justice and the ‘War on Drugs’: Application to New Legalisation Policies”, Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, Special Issue Restorative Justice & Complex Cases, ISBN: 978-1-911634-05-8.
Walker, L., Rodgers, K., & Umbreit, M. (2018). “What is Restorative Justice about Teen Court?”, Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, Special Issue Restorative Justice & Complex Cases, ISBN: 978-1-911634-05-8.
Book Reviews:
Radhi, R. (2018). Review of “Gavrielides (2018), Human Rights and Restorative Justice. London: RJ4All Publications. ISBN 978-1-911634-00-3”. Internet Journal of Restorative Justice, Special Issue Restorative Justice and Complex Crimes, ISBN: 978-1-911634-06-5, ISSN (online): 2056-2985.
Submission Guidelines
If you are interested in publishing in the IJRJ, please consult our Editorial Policy and Submission Guidelines. The page details the manuscript requirements. All submissions will be subject to the normal process of double-blind, peer review. We aim to reach a decision within 3-6 weeks of receipt. Further details can also be obtained by contacting the Editorial Team.