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This e-book presents the work of young people who used the values of restorative justice to create youth-led projects that enhanced community cohesion in South East London.


We were fortunate to receive financial support from the Neighbourhood's Fund from Southwark Council and the Mayor of London in order to implement these ideas. The results speak for themselves, and we are sharing this e-book in the hope that other young people can get inspired and use art, sports, dialogue and any means that they see to empower themselves and others.


This is available only as a e-book. It can also be downloaded from Kindle

Using art and the values of restorative justice to create community cohesion

  • Introduction

    Who we are

    Why do we need Restorative Justice?

    3R's in Rotherhithe

    Art and Restorative Justice

    Restorative Justice and Sport

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