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This ground-breaking collection dares to take the next step in the advancement of an autonomous, inter-disciplinary restorative justice field of study. It brings together criminology, social psychology, legal theory, neuroscience, affect-script psychology, sociology, forensic mental health, political sciences, psychology and positive psychology to articulate for the first time a psychological concept of restorative justice.

To this end, the book studies the power structures of the restorative justice movement, the very psychology, motivations and emotions of the practitioners who implement it as well as the drivers of its theoreticians and researchers. Furthermore, it examines the strengths and weakness of our own societies and the communities that are called to participate as parties in restorative justice. Their own biases, hunger for power and control, fears and hopes are investigated. The psychology and dynamics between those it aims to reach as well as those who are funding it, including policy makers and politicians, are looked into. All these questions lead to creating an understanding of the psychology of restorative justice. The book is essential reading for academics, researchers, policymakers, practitioners and campaigners.


FOREWORD - Professor Dr. Shadd Maruna (Dean & Prof in the School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University Newark, Center for Law and Justice, USA)

INTRODUCTION - Professor Dr. Theo Gavrielides (Founder and Director of The IARS International Institute, UK; Co-Director of Restorative Justice for All, Visiting Professor at Bucks New University UK; Adjunct Professor at the School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Canada)




CHAPTER 1: A Micro-social Psychology of Restorative Justice: The contribute of the Theory of Positioning - Dr. Giuseppe Maglione, Lecturer in Criminology, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, UK.

CHAPTER 2:  The Personal and Societal Context of Restorative Justice: A Social-Psychological Perspective - Professor Dominic Abrams (Professor of Social Psychology, University of Kent), Julie Van de Vyver and Giovanni Travaglino (School of Psychology, University of Kent), and Milica Vasiljevic (University of Cambridge, Institute of Public Health).

CHAPTER 3: Towards a Neuroscience of Restorative Justice - Dr. Dan Reisel (Research Fellow in Epigenetics, University College London).

CHAPTER 4: Restorative Practices, Affect Script Psychology and the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning- Nicola Preston (Adjunct Faculty International Institute for Restorative Practices Graduate School and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator Charles Warren Academy)

CHAPTER 5: Restorative Justice and Psychology: Positivism in Criminology again? - Prof. Vasso Artinopoulou (Professor of Criminology, f. Vice Rector, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece. Co –Director Restorative Justice for All).



CHAPTER 6: The Psychology of Restorative Practice in Forensic Mental Health Recovery - Dr. Gerard Drennan  (Consultant Clinical & Lead Psychologist, Forensic & Offender Health, South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, UK) and Dr Andy Cook (Secure and Forensic Services, Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust, UK)

CHAPTER 7: The Concept of Humiliation as a Critical Issue in Restorative Justice: An Exploration - Rina Kashyap (Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi, India).

CHAPTER 8: The Psychological Benefits of Restorative Reentry Practices for the Innocent: Taking responsibility - Lorenn Walker JD, MPH, Health Educator, Facilitator, Trainer & Restorative Lawyer, Lecturer, University of Hawai‘i Honolulu Community College.

CHAPTER 9: Trauma-informed Rehabilitation and Restorative justice Professor Judah Oudshoorn (Conestoga College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning, Canada).

CHAPTER 10: The Unacknowledged Power of Power Dynamics in Restorative Justice - Dr. Mikhail Lyubansky(Department of Psychology, University of Illinois) and Dr. Elaine Shpungin (Director of the UIUC Psychological Services Centre, USA).



CHAPTER 11: The Psychology of Restorative Justice: Creating the Inner and Outer space for change: An inter-disciplinary observation of restorative justice meetings - Dr Piers Worth (Head of Academic Department – Psychology Bucks New Univ), Dr. Matthew Smith (Senior Lecturer Bucks New Univ.), Andriana Ntziadima (The IARS International Institute),  Ioanna Gouseti (London School of Economics) and Professor Dr. Theo Gavrielides.

CHAPTER 12: Positive psychology as a contribution to rehabilitation in restorative justice systems: An analysis of two cases of penal mediation in Chile - Dr. Isabel Ximena González RamírezMaría Soledad Fuentealba Martínez and Samuel Malamud Herrera (Centro de Mediación y Arbitraje - Universidad Central de Chile).



CHAPTER 13: The Sceptic and the Believer: The Psychology of Restorative Justice - Professor Dr. Theo Gavrielides

The Psychology of Restorative Justice (hardback)

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  • Gavrielides, T. (2015). The Psychology of Restorative Justice: Managing the Power Within. Ashgate Publishing: Furnham, ISBN 978-1-4724-5530-7.


    Also available on kindle by following this link



    ‘In this volume, we really have a chance to see the richness of what real psychology can be - even qualitative, activist and theoretical. This is great news for psychology and great news for justice studies to see just what we can learn from the oldest social science. Leave it to restorative justice (again) to lead the way in breaking this important, new ground.’ Shadd Maruna, Rutgers University Newark, USA


    ‘Gavrielides’ edited collection revolutionizes our understanding of restorative justice through its multidisciplinary, global and comprehensive approach. Despite the volumes written on this topic and billions spent by governments to implement restorative justice programs, the concept remains poorly understood and inconsistently implemented. Through both a theoretical and empirical framework, the authors in this collection discuss critical issues in restorative justice policies and practices and offer a cohesive understanding of the restorative justice movement. I highly recommend this book for academics, practitioners and policy-makers alike.’ Karen Terry, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, USA


    ‘Justice, in Plato's The Republic, means harmony, both internal, in the form of the soul, and external, in the form of the state. Restorative Justice, therefore, harmonizing the victim with the offender, is justice par excellence. Theo Gavrielides' new collective volume is the epitome of harmony in conflictual situations, in theory and practice, and in psychological perspectives, including the latest research in neuroscience.’ Calliope Spinelli, Professor at the University of Athens, Greece


    The book is dedicated to Nils Christie:


    "Nils’ provocative work had a significant impact here in North America in the 70’s, 80’s and beyond.  In both form and content they helped shape my own early writing about restorative justice." Howard Zehr


    “It is with great humility and honour that I dedicate this volume to Nils Christie who paved the way for contemporary restorative justice. May his vision for returning conflicts and empowering the disempowered be a guiding light for us all” Theo Gavrielides


    "Nils Christie was a light on the hill who showed us how to take back our conflicts to transform lives and societies toward paths of social justice. He wrote even in English in a evocatively Norwegian voice that resonated authentically from his roots." John Braithwaite



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