Velez, G. and Gavrielides, T. (2022). Restorative Justice: Promoting Peace and Wellbeing, New York: Springer.
ISBN: 978-3-031-13100-4
The book
The book forms part of the Peace Psychology Book Series by Spring, Series Ed.: Christie, Daniel J. ISSN: 2197-5779.
Book Focus
Despite the clear connections between psychology, restorative justice, and peace across national and institutional contexts, there has been little direct engagement between the field of peace psychology and the growing theory, implementation, and research of restorative justice.
This timely collection of chapters written by international experts bridges the gap between peace psychology and restorative justice. The Editors combined their respective fields of expertise to start a much-needed debate on the potential but also risks that are associated when implementing restorative justice in the peace psychology field. The volume highlights how psychological theory and research can inform and evaluate the potential of restorative practices in formal and informal educational settings as well as the criminal justice space. The chapters cover both negative and positive peace across levels while introducing the reader to various case studies from across the world. All in all, the book explores how restorative justice can promote positive peace through its connection fostering dialogue, empathy, forgiveness, and other key psychological elements of peace.
Book Extract
About the editors
Gabriel Mateo Velez, PhD, Educational Policy and Leadership, College of Education, Marquette University
Professor Theo Gavrielides, PhD, is a legal philosopher and a world-known restorative justice expert. He is the Founder and Director of the Restorative Justice for All (RJ4All) International Institute, and holds various visiting positions as a professor, fellow and scholar in many universities across the world.
Table of contents
Series Editor’s Preface: Christie, Daniel J.
Editors’ Preface: Theo Gavrielides and Gabriel Velez
Note on Contributors
Introduction: Restorative justice and psychology for peace – Theo Gavrielides and Gabriel Velez
Part I: Restorative justice and peace psychology in relation to educational settings
Chapter 1: Diverse Approaches for Implementing Restorative Practices in Schools – Jamee Carroll, Astrida Kaugars and John Grych
Chapter 2: Taking a Developmental Perspective on Restorative Justice in Schools - Holly Recchia, Cecilia Wainryb and Laura Pareja Conto
Chapter 3: Developing Youth Peacebuilders: The Potential of School-Based Restorative Justice in the USA – Gabriel Velez and Antonio Butler
Chapter 4: Transforming School Climate and Student Discipline: The Restorative Justice Promise for Peace - Allison Ann Payne & Kelly Welch
Chapter 5: Developing a More Restorative Pedagogy: Aligning Restorative Justice Teaching with Restorative Justice Principles- Mikhail Lyubansky
Chapter 6: Pedagogy of Transcendence: A Framework for Positive Peace and Restorative Justice in Education - Gwynn Alexander, Antonio Luque and David Karp
Part II: Restorative justice and peace psychology in relation to criminal justice
Chapter 7: Peacebuilding and Systemic Change for Survivors of Sexual Violence and Exploitation: LOTUS’s Untold Stories – Rachel Monaco and Emily Nolan
Chapter 8: Creating Peace by Restoring Relationships for Hawai‘i’s Imprisoned Women with Cooperative Learning and Restorative Justice - Lorenn Walker, Hannah Humphreys & Leela Bilmes Goldstein
Chapter 9: Coping and Resilience Through Peace Psychology and Restorative Justice - Thomas Toscano
Chapter 10: The Untreated Wounds of Crime Victims in Tanzania: A Psychological Consideration – Julena Gabagambi
Epilogue: Gabriel Velez and Theo Gavrielides
About the Editors
Editorial Guidelines for authors
Peer-Reviewed | Original contributions only, based on unpublished data | British English Spelling | Chapter length: 7,000 - 9,000 inclusive of references | Publication date: Summer 2022 | APA Referencing System | Indexing Guidelines| Permissions' Copyrights Form| Contributor's Copyrights' Agreement Form | Editorial Guidelines | Key style points |
To contact the editors email Velez, Gabriel gabriel.velez@marquette.edu | Theo Gavrielides t.gavrielides@rj4all.org
9 Episode of the RJ Webinar Series by Theo Gavrielides: Prof. Valez on virtual restorative justice