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This training handbook aims to provide insights into the topic of violent radicalisation and the usage of restorative dialogue for its’ prevention and reduction/combat. It is part of the ERASMUS+ project RDaVR – Restorative Dialogue against Violent Radicalisation and it was written by the partner organisations involved: RJ4All, BOSEV, I&F, CPIP, Sinergia, Tuzla, and Casa Eslava.


The purpose of the handbook is to provide more in-depth information about restorative justice for professionals working with offenders, ex-offenders, or people at risk of violent radicalisation and group violence. Restorative justice is not in opposition to current criminal justice practices, but complementary. It has proven to provide the justice system with alternative approaches that when implemented properly can increase victim satisfaction, reduce re-o ending, and increase community cohesion. Throughout the handbook, different aspects of violent radicalisation and restorative justice are presented, from a general introduction of the topic to example of trauma informed practice. This information is presented in six modules, each of which concludes with a brief quiz.


Thus, it is believed that through this handbook and the project overall, the existing competences of personnel who support criminal justice professionals will be extended. On the other side, those who lack this type of knowledge can develop skills that will allow them to work better and more effectively with the target group.


Co-funded by Erasmus+ Grant Agreement number: 2020-1-UK01-KA204-079115 and coordinated by Dr. Theo Gavrielides

RJ & violent radicalisation in criminal justice settings: a training handbook

  • To cite this ebook: Gavrielides, T. (2022) Restorative justice & Violent Radicalisation in criminal justice settings. A training handbook, London: RJ4All Publications, ISBN: 978-1-911634-61-4.

    DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22380.44166

    Authors: The RDAVR partnership

    Editor: Dr. Theo Gavrielides

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