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This Ebook is produced as part of the Erasmus+ funded project “Restoring Respect through Music Education” (RRME). It builds on the concept of restorative justice music and presents evidence of how it can be used for community cohesion in school settings. The data on which the book is based was collected over two years through the RRME project, which aimed to create a training package to support teachers and other educators in their efforts to enhance the resilience of their pupils when it comes to diversity and community cohesion matters.


The RRME e-book is the ultimate pride and final step to concluding the project’s output. It combines all the research, pilots, learning, and project findings from the partner’s country context into one e-book that features chapters in the local languages and a comparative chapter in English.


Co-funded by Erasmus+ Grant Agreement N: 2020-1-UK01-KA201-078840 and coordinated by Dr. Theo Gavrielides

Restorative Justice Music: Comparative Findings

  • To cite: Gavrielides, T. (2022).  Restorative Justice Music: Comparative Findings from the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Spain, Germany, Romania and Turkey. RJ4All Publications, ISBN 978-1-911634-66-9.

    DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30483.96805

    Authors: The RRME Partnership

    Editor: Dr. Theo Gavrielides

    Restorative Justice Series no 42

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