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The socio-economic impacts of the global COVID19 pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement and persistent inequalities have taken communities to the streets. The implications of street group violence for governments across the world spark a new debate on the appropriateness of restorative approaches in relieving the overstretched and costly criminal justice system. Despite the impressive literature on restorative justice, the potential and indeed viability of its paradigm with street group violence, such as riots, remain largely unexplored. The book uses the case study method to investigate four examples in India, Greece, Canada and England, where restorative justice is considered within the context of street group violence. Key issues are identified and recommendations are posited, as new policies, practices and research are being proposed in this grey area of restorative justice.







- Tables and Figures

- About the author

- Foreword: Professor Brenda Morrison 

- Preface: Professor Vasso Artinopoulou

- Problem Statement 

- Introduction

- The book's research methodology

- Restorative Justice and Street Group Violence: Conceptual Agreements

- Delving into Street Group Violence: Four Case Studies

Event no1: England, August 2011

Event no2: India, December 1992 and February 2002

Event no3: Vancouver, June 2011

Event no4: Greece, 2010-12

- Implementing Restorative Justice with Street Group Violence

Case study no1: England - Restorative Justice through the criminal justice system

Case study no2: England - Restorative Justice through theyouth justice system

Case study no3: England - Restorative Justice through multi-agency, cross-sector partnerships

Case study no4: India - Restorative Justice through the community and civil society

Case study no5: Requesting restorative justoce for the Vancouver riots

Case study no6: Greece - ad hoc restorative justice

- Waves of Healing: Piloting Evidence-based Restorative Justice with Street Group Violence

- The ethos of Restorative Justice: Under the radar of research and evaluation

- Victims and Public Perception of Restorative Justice

Victims' preceptions

Innovative Justice through the user-led evidence

- Critical Reflections and Concluding Thoughts

- Bibliogrphy




Restorative Justice and Street Group Violence

  • To cite this e-book: Gavrielides, T. (2021). Restorative Justice and Street Group Violence, London: RJ4All Publications. ISBN 978-1-911634-39-3. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30094.33608

    Part of the Restorative Justice Series no 23


    The book is backed up with a lecture and original evidences collected by the author in four countries. To watch the lecture that was held in Vancouver as part of the Simon Fraser University “Bruce and Lis Welch Community Dialogue”

    Gavrielides’ research also appeared in The Guardian

    “It is a great honour for the Centre for Restorative Justice, at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, to be partnering with Theo Gavrielides to better understand and respond to street group violence, as characterized through riots. Both Vancouver and England experienced the devastating impact of riots in the summer of 2011.  Other cities and countries have also felt the heavy impact of riots, while police and the justice system brace themselves for more. The time is ripe to be asking different questions, building new partnerships, and exploring innovative solutions.This book represents a first step in that direction and  opens the door for further partnership and collaboration.” Professor Brenda Morrison Director of the Centre for Restorative Justice, Simon Fraser University





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