Laura De-Nuzzo
Jan 26, 2019
Human Rights, Radicalisation & Counter-terrorism: A young researcher's perspective
This blog outlines the view of a young person on the issue of radicalisation and counter terrorism. She looks at the role of restorative jus
Giorgia Varvello
Oct 6, 2018
Restorative justice and refugee integration
Nowadays, newspapers and media stress the theme of immigration and its related crisis in Europe. There is a deep fear of what, who is...
Reem Radhi
Jul 8, 2018
What victims and offenders want from restorative justice: New evidence
New data has just been published following a survey that Dr. Gavrielides conducted with 66 victims and 44 offenders, followed by 11 in-depth
Anna Vasileiou
May 11, 2018
Radicalisation and Restorative Justice
Terrorism has presented a thread like no other. In fact, the word has become synonymous with destruction and death. In the UK, this...
Reem Radhi
Apr 20, 2018
Guns & Gangs: A bold, restorative response
Over the last 2 weeks, much has been said in the media about serious youth violence and the rising numbers of gun and knife crime...
Jemima Hoffman
Mar 2, 2018
School exclusion and the restorative justice solution
School exclusions are on the rise As an Associate with the RJ4All Institute, I felt passionate about the topic and hence this blog....
Dr. Theo Gavrielides
Nov 24, 2017
Truths from an offender, a victim, a survivor, an inspiring human being: Offenders no More
By “Offenders no More”, I do not wish to suggest that we can ever stop harm from happening. We are indeed capable of committing the ...
Dr. Theo Gavrielides
Nov 19, 2017
Restorative justice, self-indulgence and the trust we've lost: Gavrielides' rjweek blog 2017
Happy International Restorative Justice Week 2017! It has become somewhat of a tradition to write my annual thoughts on restorative...
Dr. Theo Gavrielides
Aug 28, 2017
Moving beyond the crime in hate crimes: Community and restorative justice considered
Violence in all its forms is a matter of concern. However, violence that also corrupts our ability to function and live together as a...
Dr. Theo Gavrielides
Jul 28, 2017
Domestic violence and restorative justice: Does it work?
It is safe to say that restorative justice has proved itself in many areas of crime and violence. It is a worldwide movement, which like...