Laura De-Nuzzo
Jan 26, 2019
Human Rights, Radicalisation & Counter-terrorism: A young researcher's perspective
This blog outlines the view of a young person on the issue of radicalisation and counter terrorism. She looks at the role of restorative jus

Dr. Theo Gavrielides
Nov 19, 2018
International Restorative Justice Week & extreme ideologies: Gavrielides' rjweek blog 2018
Happy International Restorative Justice Week 2018! This year (for my #RJweek blog 2017 here, 2016 here, 2015 here, 2014 here, 2012 here),...

Dr. Theo Gavrielides
Sep 9, 2018
Bridging Human Rights and Prevention of Violent Extremism
Human rights have always been seen and treated as a hindrance to counter-terrorism policies and practices. At the same time, terrorist...

Authored by Sara Natividade | Edited by Theo
Aug 22, 2018
Reflections of a young girl on violent radicalisation
In Europe, the latest terrorist attacks, such as the London underground bombings in 2005 and the shooting in Munich in 2016, created a...

Dr. Theo Gavrielides
Jun 9, 2017
Post-election reflections: Strategies for overcoming fear and creating hope
Here in the UK, we are grabbling with our Prime Minister's decision to call for a snap election. The election results have been shocking...

Dr. Theo Gavrielides
Mar 26, 2017
A values driven world: Terror, pride and shame
It was early in the morning of July the 7th 2005, when I took my usual train from Hatfield to travel to the Ministry of Justice where I...

Dr. Theo Gavrielides
Mar 12, 2017
Who is the big bad terrorist?
Over the last 10 years, new anti-terrorism legislation and executive measures have been introduced in almost all Western states in the...

Dr. Theo Gavrielides
Jan 14, 2017
Dirty human rights: leave, leave, leave!
Critical blogging by Theo Gavrielides on international human rights day.

Dr. Theo Gavrielides
Aug 12, 2016
The Death of Democracy and the Forces of Power and Control
Here in the UK, we are grabbling with our government's decision to abandon our EU membership. As the country is divided and hate...

Dr. Theo Gavrielides
Jul 8, 2016
Human Rights and Business: How reconcilable are they?
Open Letter to Rt Hon Harriet Harman MP: Parliamentary Inquiry into human rights and business Dear Rt Hon Harman, I am pleased to submit...